The aim of the research leading to this article is the understanding of how Latin American immigrant musics in Santiago de Chile during 1990-2015 relate to identity, sociability and imaginaries of the communities that bring them to life. Through field observations and comprehensive interviews, several interrelating experiences of music and immigration are analyzed, focusing on the music scene of the Peruvian community in Santiago. Firstly the historical background of the musical practices in question are considered in terms of their country of origin. Next their changes in Santiago are discussed, in terms of how networks and new music spaces come about as a result of the migratory experience. A special emphasis is given to the study of the individual lives of the artists that act as protagonists of these music migration processes, as well as of the imaginaries mobilized therein, which we consider can lead to the emergence of new cultural mestizajes.
Santiago de Chile, Latin American music migrations, Peruvian music scene, cultural mestizajes
Facuse M., M., & Torres A., R. (2017). Latin American Inmigrant Musics in Santiago de Chile: The Peruvian Music Scene. Revista Musical Chilena, 71(227), 11–47. Retrieved from