2011 student demonstrations as an analytical challenge for social sciences: towards the construction of a new matrix for reading movements (2001 – 2011 and on)


  • Daniel Fauré Universidad de Chile


Although the student demonstration cycle has been developing for more than fifteen years, its climax in 2011 took Social Sciences by surprise. This situation forced them to generate emergency readings, to reducing demonstrations to a condition of social force, focusing, mainly, on the external dimension of the movement (the action repertoires in the public sphere, the porosity of the political system to process demands, etc.), and relegating its internal dimension, where an alternative project would develop, to a secondary place. These post-2011 emergency readings (particularly, from the New Social History, and the production of Latin American critical thinking on the social movements are balanced in the article, in order to establish a contextualized and analytical matrix.


student movement, social movement, new social history

Author Biography

Daniel Fauré, Universidad de Chile

Doctor en Historia de Chile, Universidad de Chile. Profesor adjunto del Departamento de Historia, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Correo electrónico: daniel.faure@usach.cl.