Fractures and political representation in the student movement. Chile 2011


  • Octavio Avendaño Universidad de Chile


The following article analyses the ideological and political differences emerging among the leaders of the university student movement during 2011. On the basis of the theory of cleavages, it is suggested that students’ proposals and their representation built on a new social fracture, the latter being an outcome of their criticism of mercantilization of higher education. Throughout demonstrations, other differences among the student leaders from the most important student organizations and federations were made evident, especially concerning issues such as negotiations with the government, representation, participation, decision-making process and the movement’s future.


student movement, ideological fractures, student leadership

Author Biography

Octavio Avendaño, Universidad de Chile

Doctor en Ciencia Política, Università degli studi di Firenze, Italia. Académico del Departamento de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado y del Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad de Chile. E-Mail:,