Behavior analysis of micro-trafficking in girls and adolescents from the perspective of the general theory of crime


  • Alejandro Romero Miranda Universidad Castilla-La Mancha


This investigation presents family and primary socialization factors that influence the sale of drugs by girls and adolescents living in the VI Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins Region, Chile. Specifically, this research is focused on parenting skills and educational models that forged their low selfcontrol and allowed their familiarity with drugs. Similarly, attention is paid into micro-trafficking typical elements that lead to the interviewees to commit this crime instead of other crimes, as well, as to determine typical female elements that facilitate drug sales. Finally, some changes in girls selfperception based on their accumulated experience and identification with no generational models (adults) is explained.


self-control, self-perception, low self-control, parenting skills, gender, microtráfico, educational models, normalization, primary socialization

Author Biography

Alejandro Romero Miranda, Universidad Castilla-La Mancha

Licenciado en Sociología Universidad de Concepción, Magíster en Criminología y Delincuencia Juvenil, Universidad Castilla-La Mancha, España. E-Mail: