This paper aims to present the main contents in the social representations of a group of young people from Antofagasta regarding the relationship established between youth and politics in Chile today. Assuming a qualitative descriptive approach, the survey and data analysis was conducted using focus group techniques and content analysis. The main results reported issues traditionally disregarded when assessing youth political experience, outlining the profile of what can be conceptualized as a transition to a new experience of politics.
Daniel Carrasco Bahamonde, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Sociólogo (Universidad de Artes y Ciencias Sociales) y Magíster en Psicología Social Aplicada (Universidad de Santiago). E-Mail:
Carrasco Bahamonde, D., Carrasco Bahamonde, J., & Guerra Muñoz, E. (2020). Youth and politics in Antofagasta: Towards a re-enrollment policy experience in youth. Última Década, 22(40), 85–107. Retrieved from