Semantic issues in the drafting of smarter contracts



The smart contracts phenomenon arises as a new step in electronic contracts. This work researches the semantic complexities of drafting legal agreements in increasingly digitalized environments. The article aims to identify theoretical limits incorporating programming language in drafting agreements by studying the level of rationality in contractual terms and legal reasoning. The language of code is highly rational, but the pervasiveness of rationality within the legal language may vary according to what contract´s categories and legal reasoning are being adhered to.


Smart contracts, semantic, contractual terms, legal language, legal reasoning

Author Biography

Yohanna Villablanca Villa, Universidad de Chile

Abogada de la Universidad de Chile, Magíster (LLM) en Teoría del Derecho de Universidad Johann Wolfgang Goethe de Frankfurt del Meno, Alemania y estudiante de doctorado, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Marburgo, Alemania. Académica del Departamento de Derecho Privado, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Chile.