The objective of this article is to expose the way in which the Supreme Court has solved during this last decade, the cases motivated in the use of hidden cameras by the press in investigative reports, aiming to identify a tendency or rules that should allow a prediction of the solutions for future cases.
privacy, reporters, information, hidden camera
Author Biography
Cristián Andrés Larrain Páez, Universidad de Concepción
Abogado, licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales por la Universidad de Concepción, máster y doctor en Derecho Privado por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y profesor asociado de Derecho Civil de la Universidad de Concepción.
Larrain Páez, C. A. (2023). Use of hidden cameras by investigative reporters: How is it solved by the Supreme Court. Revista Chilena De Derecho Y Tecnología, 11(2), pp. 121–146.