Redesigning the ownership of artworks: Artificial and robotic intelligence



We dare to affirm there is no area of knowledge where robotic-artificial intelligence duo has not entered yet; and that currently one of the main questions revolves around the possibility of granting a specific legal personality to certain kind of robots and consequently the conferring of ownership over certain rights; in this sense, an unresolved question is who owns the artworks created by artificial intelligence. Beyond an “implied” ownership, the current state of creations makes it necessary to execute a serious analysis related to the varying possibilities still covered by a character of absolute negation or reasonable doubt.


Robots, artificial intelligence, legal personality, art, copyright

Author Biography

Ana Karin Chávez Valdivia, Dra., Universidad La Salle de Arequipa

Ana Karin Chávez Valdivia es abogada. Doctora en Derecho y magíster en Derecho de la Empresa por la Universidad Católica de Santa María, Perú. Magister en Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, Instituto Europeo Campus Stealle, España. Especialista en Derecho Informático y Gobierno Electrónico por la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Perú. Conciliadora extrajudicial. Directora del Departamento Académico de Ciencias Jurídicas. Docente asociada e investigadora de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad La Salle de Arequipa, Perú.


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