The legal nature of wikis in copyright


  • Marco Correa Wikimedia Chile


Wikis, whose main point of reference is Wikipedia, are online tools that allow simultaneous collaboration from multiple users, creating an intellectual product that qualifies as a copyrighted work. However, doctrine has said little with respect to the regulation of wikis, which is relevant due to its uniqueness compared with classic literary works. This essay examines the wiki regarding copyright, both national and comparative, attempting to establish the legal nature of the platform and the possibility to protect different types of wiki. In this context, this essay also incorporates an unprecedented doctrinal analysis of the collective work in Chilean Intellectual Property Law.


Copyright, legal nature, collaboration, wiki, Wikipedia.

Author Biography

Marco Correa, Wikimedia Chile

Marco Correa Pérez, es egresado de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile, miembro fundador y director de la corporación Wikimedia Chile. El presente artículo es una versión parcial de su memoria para optar al grado de Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de esa misma casa de estudios. Su correo electrónico es


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