Commentary regarding the final award of the Arbitration Tribunal in the case of Eli Lilly and Company with the Government of Canada


  • Cristian Barros Abogado Independiente


This essay comments and analyzes the decision rendered by the Arbitral Tribunal in the case of Eli Lilly and Company with the Government of Canada. The work centers on the debate that existed regarding the cancelation of two of Eli Lilly’s patents in Canada and whether the application of the doctrine of the promise of utility was a drastic change in the law in Canada, as well as analyzing the issues of legitimate expectations of a patent holder, harmonization of international patent law and whether Canada incurred in arbitrary and discriminatory actions by canceling the two patents.


Patent cancelation action, utility, doctrine of the promise of utility, harmonization of international patent law, drastic change in the law, patents law

Author Biography

Cristian Barros, Abogado Independiente

Cristián Barros Michell es abogado. Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales por la Universidad Diego Portales. LL.M., Duke University, School of Law. Su correo electrónico es


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