About the Journal

Saberes Educativos is an open access scientific journal focused on the dissemination of knowledge related to the training of teachers and other educational actors. It is published biannually by Centro Saberes Docentes (former Programa de Educación Continua para el Magisterio, PEC), of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, Universidad de Chile.

The journal’s mission is to provide a forum for the analysis and exchange of different analytical perspectives related to educational actors training. It aims to contribute to the scientific and professional discussion regarding the role and scope of the ongoing training of educational actors, with particular emphasis on the training of teachers. Regarding its vision, the journal aspires to become a reference for the development of knowledge in the mentioned areas, proposing fields for academic debate and areas of development to be considered by the educational system. Regarding its scope, it seeks to publish works that account for the reality and challenges of the different countries of Latin America in relation to the aforementioned topics.

Saberes Educativos accepts original articles related to scientific research, such as original papers, review articles, essays, interviews, reviews, ‘points of view’ and ‘good practices’ that address the following topics (although they are not restricted to them):

- Pedagogical practices and challenges for teaching and learning.
- Initial and continuous training of teachers and other educational actors.
- Educational policies and their effects on educational actors.
- Leadership and school organization: competencies and training requirements.
- Implications of the social system and the educational system on teachers training.
- Contributions from the Humanities to training in the educational field.
- Teacher training and leadership for school coexistence.
- Pedagogical experimentation and innovation.
- Critical thinking and reflexivity in the training of teachers and educational actors.