Call for Papers. Special Number "100 Years of Social Work: Discussions and Perspectives on the Discipline's Past, Present and Future". Submissions in Spanish or English until the 30th April 2025 for publication in October 2025 (Issue 10). For more information please see the following link.
The purpose of this paper is to approach different trajectories of thought, intertwined as a unit of meaning, and which have historically configured a matrix that I call Indo-African American Critical Thinking. This way of thinking not only differs from other forms of critical thinking, but also has implications for research in Social Work. The fundamental premise that I sustain in this article is that this matrix alludes to a complex political-epistemic framework - transdisciplinary construction - of pluriverse trajectories of thought, ideas, categories, concepts, theoretical and philosophical formulations, social practices, historical experiences and artistic and cultural expressions, which mutually feed each other in a critical, interpretative and transformative way, inscribed in processes of liberation and emancipation. The paper is organized in three sections. In the first, I briefly address the trajectories of Indianism, the patria grande and continental unity, national-popular thought, Indo-African American socialism, theories of dependency, liberation theology, liberation pedagogy, liberation philosophy, the Decolonial Option and Indo-African American feminisms. In the second, I summarize some identifying features that characterize Indo-African American Critical Thought and differentiate it from other forms of critical thought. In the third, I link this matrix to Social Work research, discussing some implications in relation to the relevant issues and questions that arise from this critical approach, the methodologies whose development could be useful and interesting for the collaborative and participatory co-construction of knowledge, the types of research designs that would contribute to this co-construction and the modes and forms of socialization that would contribute to the debate and dissemination of the co-constructed knowledge.
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