Social duality in opinion polls in Panama (october 2019-february 2021)



Panama has stood out for its accelerated growth between 2004 and 2018, which has had as a consequence that in 2017 it will become part of the high-income countries, but this economic success has not been able to reverse or correct the high rates of inequality. With the outbreak of the pandemic, the consequences of pre-existing structural inequalities have become visible. Among the most prominent expressions of inequity, we can highlight social duality. This duality materializes in public opinion in a great social fracture with two country models and very divergent opinions on the role of the public and the measures to be adopted to face the pandemic.


inequality, social duality, public opinion

Author Biography

Jon Subinas, Centro Internacional de Estudios Políticos y Sociales

Investigador del Centro Internacional de Estudios Políticos y Sociales, AIP (Panamá). Doctor en Sociología y Antropología por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Experto en investigación social y estudios de opinión pública, consultoría y formación para organismos multilaterales, administración pública, empresas y ONGs. Líneas de Investigación: Desigualdad y derechos sociales. Temas de interés: Estudios de opinión; desigualdad y protección social