Oral health knowledge, attitudes and habits of adolescents from Fresia aged 12 and 15, in 2013


  • Paulina Becerra Universidad Austral de Chile. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Odontología
  • Annemarie Parra Universidad Austral de Chile. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Odontología
  • Jean Pierre Jouannet JUNAEB. Módulo Dental, Fresia


Introduction: Adolescents show little knowledge of common oral diseases. In Chile, the National Survey on Quality of Life 2006, thirty-seven percent of 141 teens aged 15 said they felt that their oral health affects their quality of life. To plan and carry out activities to promote oral health and change risk behaviors, it is important to know the existing knowledge, attitudes and practices of this group.

Objective. To determine the level of knowledge, attitudes and habits of oral health in adolescents aged 12 and 15, from educational establishments in Fresia, Chile, in 2013.

Materials and Methods. We conducted a descriptive study through a survey of adolescents (12 and 15) with prior approval from parents or carers. The survey consisted of 25 true/false and multiple-choice questions.

Results. 170 adolescents were surveyed. 81.8% believed that brushing helps prevent cavities, 42.4% stated that tooth brushing does not prevent gum disease, 87.4% believe that their own effort is the most important factor for good oral health. 54% of young people confirmed brushing their teeth both morning and night.

Conclusion. Adolescents from the city of Fresia aged 12 and 15 years have an acceptable level of oral health knowledge. However, education of diseases affecting the gums should be strengthened. Regarding attitudes and practices, the results are favorable.



adolescents, knowledge, attitudes, practices, oral health.

Author Biography

Jean Pierre Jouannet, JUNAEB. Módulo Dental, Fresia
