
Call for papers Revista de Arquitectura N.º 47. 

Ways of looking at architectural sustainability + FREE THEME


Deadline for receipt of articles:  September 10, 2024

Guidelines for authors: https://dearquitectura.uchile.cl/index.php/RA/about/submissions

The search of antifragile architecture


  • Katia Munjin Paiva Santiago, Chile


The investigation consisted on extrapolate the theory of antifragility forged in the field of the economy towards the sphere of architecture in order to propose an evolutionary path to be able to face the complexity of the contemporary reality. Everything that has been written of the concept, the text of the founder author and his bibliography was studied. At the same time the theory of an architect was studied because it presented the application of some antifragile conducts in some grade, fact that facilitate the further extrapolation. The hypothesis of the investigation defined that it was possible the existence of antifragility in architecture through an evolutionary behave in the buildings after face a crisis. The theoretical framework has the purpose of explaining the complexity of reality and the necessity of antifragility in reality. Four examples were selected and four criteria were defined to implement the analysis. The collected information was recorded in thematic cards and once completed the stage of reading and analyzing the literature; four theoretical criteria were defined to perform analysis that sought to detect antifragility in those examples. Then, partial conclusions were achieved, the examples were catalogue in fragile, rugged or antifragile and, the analysis was supported by images of the work and proposals of the examples. The final conclusion was that it is not possible an evolutionary behave without human intervention, that’s why it is the responsibility of human to give antifragility to architectonics systems by using human ingenuity.


fragility, robustness, antifragility