Unlike to whüt happens with vernacular languages, orality is always marginal in a standardized language, because in this case writing has intluenced eveiy aspect of its development. What is found here is a type of literate orality, that is to say, an intellectualized oral cornpetence, definitely conditioneded by writing practice. This is particularly observable in the works of contemporaiy poets, like Enrique Lihn (Cliile, 1929- 1983), ín whose written texts can be traced, stylized, features of cultured colloquial Spanish.
standard language, orality, writing, contemporary poetry
Gallardo, A. (2006). Oralidad letrada: Lihn y el rescate del coloquio culto. Boletín De Filología, 41, Pág. 45–61. Retrieved from https://rchdt.uchile.cl/index.php/BDF/article/view/20658