Arte, educación y procesos de (re)subjetivación juvenil. La experiencia de creación artística como experiencia formativa


  • Eva da Porta Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


We propose to analyse formative experiences linked to artistic production in school and non-school spaces as disruptive events insofar as they allow youth subjectivity to be reconfigured, exploring novel and dislocating bodily, affective and creative dimensions. However, these practices are not reduced to the individual dimension, but rather they can generate new forms of intersubjectivity, new collective assemblages as they open critical spaces, experiential horizons that allow them to star in true subjective and intersubjective displacements, fostering self-reflexive practices and fostering ‘other / renewed’ ways of transiting, inhabiting and influencing the juvenile condition.


creative experience, (re)subjectivation processes, juvenile condition