Fulfilling campaign commitments during the Alianza por Chile’s first year in office


  • equipo TAPP Instituto de Asuntos Públicos


This paper presents progress made in meeting campaign commitments in some
sectors which, although not included in the “seven programmatic areas” defined
in the first ‘State of the Union’ speech, also aim to resolve, or attenuate, important
issues identified by the current administration. The work follows progress made
until 20 May, 2011, and includes policies covered by the Ministries of Defence,
Energy and Mining, Public Works, Women, Transport and Telecommunications,
Agriculture, as well as a section focused on reconstruction efforts.


sectoral policies, reconstruction, public policies, Chile

Author Biography

equipo TAPP, Instituto de Asuntos Públicos

El equipo de coordinación del TAPP está encabezado por el Director del Instituto de AsuntosPúblicos, Eduardo Dockendorff; coordinado por el profesor adjunto Rodrigo Egaña; lasecretaría ejecutiva está a cargo de Oriana Piffre, y participa como asistente Cinthia Silva